How It Works

Moni Guru has permanent links to financial and business gurus who crack the secret codes of making medium risk investments produce stable returns at some of the lowest possible risk levels.

Moni Guru! The pathway to appetizing rates of returns.
Download the App and legally take advantage of this online venture instrument.

  • After downloading the Moni Guru App, PLEASE READ TERMS, AND PRIVACY POLICY.
  • If you are satisfied with the Terms and Privacy Policy of the Moni Guru App, sign up or set up your new account(s).
  • After signing up, make your deposit or enter the amount to be reserved, or check the other aspects of the App’s Menu.
  • When finished committing your reserves, pay via credit card, debit card, bitcoin, PayPal, etc.
  • After payments are confirmed, your reserves will be deposited to the associated account, and Moni Guru will immediately create instructions to start the immediate growth of the investment.
  • “Dashboard” in the menu will provide you with information pertaining to all aspects of Moni Guru and your venture, including your Account Balance.
  • You can check your daily reserves growth at any time during the day, or you may even be alerted by Moni Guru.
  • You can request withdrawal from your account and Moni Guru will act as the go-between mule to get the transaction done.
  • NOTE!: For legal or secured reasons, Moni Guru does not PRESENTLY allow for deposits, reserves, and or investments in excess of USD1,000.00.
  • ALL aspects of Moni Guru are very user friendly.